
High-Flow Airbrush Paints – No thinning, clogs or drying out

Created by Huge Miniatures

A range of thoroughly refined high-flow airbrush paints. Stop worrying about thinning, and spend more time airbrushing! If you missed out on the project while it was live, you still have a short window to get in on the discounted pre-order. Late pledges will ship at the same time as everything else. Shipping will be charged at a later date, before fulfillment. Please view the Kickstarter project page for more details on shipping.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Campaign fulfillment complete!
11 months ago – Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 11:34:39 AM

Thanks to all of you who chose to support the release of our new range of airbrush colors. Without your pre-order, these would have never come to market. The remaining pledges that were waiting on paint brushes shipped yesterday.

Over the past couple of months, our crew of four made 23,472 paints. We also managed to give birth to our first child mid-way through!

All of the paints were made in-house, including recipe formulation and hand bottling. Both myself and my co-worker Craig have been using them extensively, and we love how they came out. Having a reliable set of airbrush colors speeds up the creative process, and makes painting more enjoyable.

If this is your first time finding out about us, we’ve been making scenery supplies, basing materials, paints, and effects since 2017. You can check out more of our products at

I hope to see some of your work in the future. Until next time!



Shipping fees posted + production update
about 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 12:17:06 PM

At the end of this week, we should be around 75% of the way through production, so we're making great progress and remain on schedule. We are preparing to ship during the first half of October.

Shipping fees have been posted to BackerKit based on location and weight, and we're ready to start charging for them. Please visit your survey and confirm that you have a payment method added to your account, otherwise please add one. We will be processing shipping fees on Friday, September 15th. If you want your package to go out in the first wave, please make sure to have your survey updated with payment info.

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Pledge manager + production update
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 09:11:27 AM

Thanks to the 80% of you who have filled out your survey! We will be locking in your choices in 48 hours and charging cards for any additional add-ons that you've selected. We will be locking addresses on September 1st, and we'll notify you of shipping costs on September 8th.

If you haven't filled out or received your survey, please visit this link and enter the email address associated with your Kickstarter account. If you're still having issues, please reach out to me directly.

We started production on the first 10 colors this week. Please see some photos of our progress below!

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Pledge manager now open + important dates
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 07:31:13 AM

Hello everybody, the surveys have just been sent out! Please check the email address associated with your Kickstarter account.

It is important to fill out the survey and choose any add-ons desired as soon as possible. This ensures that we have accurate numbers for what we need to manufacture.

This is also the phase where we initially gather your address, however this can be changed up until we lock it down to charge for shipping. Collecting your address now allows us to create shipping groups in order to accurately charge based on region. 

Please bookmark the survey link so you can go back and change your address if need be.

If you have not received your survey email–

  • Make sure you're checking the same email address that you use for your Kickstarter account
  • Check your spam folder
  • If you still don't receive it in within 24 hours, please send a private message

Important dates–

  • Aug 25th - Pledge manager add-ons locked in
  • Sept 1st - Shipping addresses locked-in
  • Sept 8th - Charge for shipping
  • October - Pledges ship

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Campaign success!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 10:30:48 AM

Thanks to all of you who supported this project throughout the campaign. We’re extremely excited to bring our vibrant and diverse range of colors to airbrush form, and get them into your hands as soon as possible!

We'll be using BackerKit to manages pledges, add-ons, and shipping. Please hang-tight as we get all of our project details set-up in their system. I’ll follow-up with another update this week that will address some frequently asked questions regarding pledge management and shipping.

In the meanwhile, you can browse our other products and keep up with our activities here–

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Brinton & the Huge Miniatures Team